Aggie Artificial Intelligence Society

Our mission is to inspire undergrads and graduate students to further learn and explore the field of AI.

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Aggie Artificial Intelligence Society

Group location: Harvey R. "Bum" Bright Building, College Station, TX 77840, USA

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Austin Gonzalez , Owner

College Station, TX, USA


We are an offical TAMU Student Organization with a focus on furthering interest in AI. We host seminars on various AI topics such as Neural Networks, Data Mining, and Autonomous Vehicles presented by both professors and graduate students.


Members (12)

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  • Projects 0
  • Followers 1

Austin Gonzalez

I'm a senior computer engineering major at Texas A&M University and I'll graduate in December 2018. I'm the current president of the Aggie Artificial Intelligence Society (AAIS). I'm seeking full time opportunities for entry level software engineering jobs. Also, I'm currently taking CSCE 420 Artificial Intelligence, and am going to continue actively learning AI on my own through side projects.

No projects to show at the moment.