
SkaiLab (Skikda AI Lab) is the first Artificial Intelligence Center in Algeria.

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Group location: Algeria

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Mourad Bouache , Owner


SkaiLab (Skikda AI Lab) is the first Artificial Intelligence Center in Algeria. It was built with the HPC of the University of Skikda, August, 20th 1955 North east of Algeria.

The project started in February 2020.

Teaching 6 students (Masters + PhD Students) Artificial Intelligence courses.

Tackle University problems using AI (University Dataset)

Look at the problems of the city (Skikda) using AI: Air pollution, Road safety, …

Collaborate with the industry:

Connect with big employers like Sonatrach, …

Create AI-Link between the University of Skikda and the companies (Skikda or National)

AI Conference: Create a list of AI Research topics and Applications

Members (13)