Accident Detection using ResNet-50 and Gradio

Sarvesh Shashikumar

Sarvesh Shashikumar

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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  • 0 Collaborators

Trained ResNet-50 for 5 epochs, optimized with IPEX for 15 epochs. Converted to ONNX, further refined with OpenVINO, all on Intel Dev Cloud. The Gradio app takes video input and detects accidents. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

oneAPI, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
DevCloud, oneAPI, OpenVINO, Intel Python

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

This project uses deep learning to automatically detect accidents within uploaded video clips, addressing the challenge of unnoticed road incidents.

Manually monitoring vast amounts of CCTV footage for accidents is inefficient. Our solution automates this, ensuring accidents are promptly identified.

Ideal for traffic systems, security setups, and autonomous vehicles, this tool ensures timely accident recognition and response.

Methodology / Approach

Methodology: We employed a ResNet-50 model, initially trained for 5 epochs, then optimized using Intel's IPEX for 15 epochs. Post-training, it was converted to ONNX and further optimized with OpenVINO. The streamlined model powers our Gradio app, allowing users to upload videos for real-time accident detection.

Technologies Used

Technologies & Libraries:

  1. Deep Learning Framework: PyTorch
  2. Model Architecture: ResNet-50
  3. Model Optimization: IPEX, OpenVINO
  4. App Interface: Gradio
  5. Image Processing: OpenCV

Tools & Software:

  1. ONNX (for model conversion)
  2. Gradio (for creating a web interface for model deployment)

Hardware & Cloud Environment:

  • Intel DevCloud: Utilized for the entire training process, leveraging its advanced computation capabilities.

Intel Technologies:

  1. IPEX: Used for optimizing the model post initial training.
  2. OpenVINO: Employed to further optimize the ONNX-converted model, ensuring faster inference speeds.

The training, optimization, and conversion processes were all executed seamlessly on the Intel DevCloud, ensuring a streamlined development workflow.


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