Lets Collect Feeback with AI for the Toll..

Shriram KV

Shriram KV

Bengaluru, Karnataka

It is normally difficult to collect feedback about the services from customers. They are not interested in spending time with pen and paper or with APPS. When it comes to toll gate services like FASTTAG it is extremely difficult to gather the feedback. We provide a solution for the same. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Internet of Things

Intel Technologies
Intel Python

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

It is normally very difficult to collect feedback about the services from customers. They are not interested in spending time with pen and paper or with APPS. When it comes to toll gate services like FASTTAG it is extremely difficult to gather the feedback from the customer. Without collecting feedback, one cannot understand the needs of the customer. Here is where we have our innovation coming into the picture! This is a novel attempt to gather FastTag customer feedback from Toll Booths. . A Solution for ALL that revolutionizes the Toll Ecosystem. . We aim at overcoming the pitfalls of the human errors prevalent among toll systems all over the world. We want to build an Intuitive and Interactive Customer Feedback Mechanism.

Methodology / Approach

The concept behind the Imperium is to actively monitor the driver’s emotion levels after passing through the toll, using a camera. The emotion can then be analyzed to provide further insights regarding his experience. . The desired result is achieved using a combination of Image Processing Techniques and Deep Learning Interfaces. . The system achieves high accuracy within the given time.

Technologies Used

Deep Learning






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