Air Pressure System (APS) Sensor Fault Detection

Komal Sai Anurag Pasumarthy

Komal Sai Anurag Pasumarthy

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

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  • 0 Collaborators

The APS Sensor, a critical element in heavy-duty vehicles, facilitates brake pad pressure by converting compressed air into piston force for deceleration. This study investigates the correlation between component failures and the APS. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

oneAPI, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
DevCloud, oneAPI

Docs/PDFs [1]Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

The Air Pressure System (APS) is one of the important component of a heavy-duty vehicle that uses compressed air to force a piston to help for pressure to the brake pads. This is more sustainable and easy availability. This is a Binary Classification problem, in which the positive class indicates that the failure was caused by a certain component of the APS, while the negative class indicates that the failure was caused by something else.

Methodology / Approach

  • The Data generated by the APS Sensors in fixed time intervals is send to Kafka (Confluent Kafka), which is a live data streaming platforms to store the large amount of data received from the sensor.
  • For flexibility, the data present in the Kafka topic is written into a MongoDB Database whenever the model needs to be trained.
  • Finally, a .csv file is created by extracting the data from the MongoDB.
  • Performing different experiments with Imputer (KNN Imputer, Simple Imputer),Scalers(Min-Max Scaler, Robust Scaler) and check which gives the best result when model training.
  • The Dataset is balanced using oversampling techniques like SMOTE and TOMEK to remove noise created in the process of oversampling.
  • Training the Data using different model like RandomForest,Logistics Regression, K-Nearest Neighbour using the One-DAL library of **Intel's ONE API and XGBoost Classifier **of XGBoost library
  • Choose the trained model with best accuracy and less cost function.

Technologies Used


Confluent Kafka



Documents and Presentations


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