Alexnet Implementation in TensorFlow

Anuj Ahuja

Anuj Ahuja

New Delhi, Delhi

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Implemented Alexnet Neural Network for Image Classification in TensorFlow. AlexNet contains eight layers in total.The first five are convolutional layers and the last three are fully connected layers. AlexNet network can classify among 1000 different classes. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

Artificial Intelligence

Student Developers for AI, DeepLearning

Overview / Usage

Alexnet is a Convolutional Neural Network used for Object Detection. Alexnet network is trained on 1000 classes and consists of convolution, pooling and batch norm layers.It uses ReLu activation function instead of tanh or sigmoid to add non linearity and it also increases its speed.

Methodology / Approach

The weights of a pre-trained Alexnet CNN were used to initialise the weights the local model to avoid training time.
Implemented convolution, pooling ,fully connected and batch norm layers in TensorFlow.

Technologies Used


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