Automated Red Light Jump Detection

Bal Krishna Jha

Bal Krishna Jha

New Delhi, Delhi

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  • 0 Collaborators

Here in India despite imposing huge fine for jumping red light signal for several years, people break the rules in absence of traffic police. Every year many people lose their lives due this. Since it is not possible to employ traffice police at every intersection, what we can do is automate this process of detection using advanced technology. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Overview / Usage

Once project will achieve reasonable accuracy after testing at real platform. It can be used at several intersection or crossroads to automate the process and tackle this problem.

Methodology / Approach

Approach is divided into various components:

  1. Getting raw video from the height of traffice pole.
  2. Detecting Vehicle Number Plate
  3. Applying OCR
  4. Integrating the result with the database.

Technologies Used

Currently I'm using several object detection techniques such as Faster RCNN,YOLO,Mask RCNN for object detection. Then character recognition using opencv.

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