BioRis App

Edwin Salcedo

Edwin Salcedo

La Paz, Departamento de La Paz

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  • 0 Collaborators

Mobile app that analyses magnetic resonance images MRI by using convolutional neural networks to make predictions about brain abnormalities and lesions. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Mobile, Artificial Intelligence

Overview / Usage

BioRis App is both, a mobile app that makes predictions about abnormalities and brain lesions, and a teaching tool for radiologists in training. It can use the camera or can take an image from gallery to save it internally and then upload it to an external server.

The server, which works with Python, Django, and TensorFlow, will receive the image as input and make predictions about suspictions sections by using convolutional neural networks. It is important to affirm that the images have to be T1- weighted and have to be head first supine positioned. Finally, the output will be an image with such suspicions sections marked with red.

The app will receive the image to display it to the user, so then the radiologist can be supported by a tool when he is diagnosing a real patient image.

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