Blockchain based distributed data management for IVHM in Aircraft

Shriram KV

Shriram KV

Bengaluru, Karnataka

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  • 0 Collaborators

Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) for an aircraft is an upcoming area of research where an airplane is tracked with multiple sensors in all the parts of the plane. The data from the sensors shall render help in understanding the status of the aircraft, any malicious behavior that would probably result in an accident and also to log the flying data for future analysis. The data is really voluminous and now there is a lot of challenges faced in ensuring the integrity of the data stored. The flying data including the driver's flying hours log should not be allowed to be changed. Here, in our approach, we use Blockchain to make sure the data is safe while also making the computation more efficient. The complete information and architectural observation is all presented in the attached document. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

Here, we are trying to fetch the data real-time from the flying machine and to use blockchain effectively to reduce the mishaps!

Methodology / Approach

We have built our own flying machine and we have acquired the data real time. Also, after analysis, the deviation record goes into the blockchain so that no one can alter it!
Integrated vehicle health management is the ability of the system to evaluate the current and upcoming state of the vehicle’s health.
Sensors + AI + Communication + Software = Fly!
Continuous monitoring + analysis of aircraft health.
Helps in predicting the TTL (Total Technical Life) + Flightworthiness.
Directly connected to $ + Safety!

With Block Chain we could avoid and acheive the following:

Flight log records can be easily forged.
Pilot flying hours are crucial for the promotions, experience calculation.
Underreporting the flight hours
Saves huge maintenance costs.
Database intrusion, resulting in modification or distortion of data.
TTL calculation error/flaw.

Technologies Used

Embedded Systems
Block Chain


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