Bus ticket booking website

Prasannajeet Pradhan

Prasannajeet Pradhan

Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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  • 0 Collaborators

It is a bus ticket booking website . In this website users can search for buses or destination and select the appropriate bus for travelling . Users can compare buses on the basis of price , duration of travel , route , etc and choose the best according to them. ...learn more

Project status: Concept


Overview / Usage

The public transportation of India is very unorganised , especially the bus sector . There is no platform through which people could book tickets for buses . So this project could help the people greatly . Users can book their tickets by comparing various buses based on their price , route and time taken to reach the destination. This could make their life a little easier .

Technologies Used

As this would be a web app , so the technologies used would be HTML , CSS , JS for frontend and NODE JS , EXPRESS JS for server , MONGODB for the database and REACT .

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