Calligo AgriTech

Rajaraman Subramanian

Rajaraman Subramanian

Bengaluru, Karnataka

7 0
  • 0 Collaborators

Grading is pre-requisite for development of the modern marketing, trade and economy of any commodity. The Indian chillies are graded mostly by farmers on the basis of color and size, before they are brought in the market. The damaged discolored and immature pods are removed depending on market demand. The produce that comes to regulated markets is generally well dried and cleaned as it fetches a premium price. Grading that is usually done at producer’s level before bringing it to markets is sorting out discoloured, white and spoiled chillies at the time of its drying in order to get premium price when it is sold. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
OpenVINO, Intel Opt ML/DL Framework, Movidius NCS

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Overview / Usage

Chilli (Capsicum annuum) is valued for its diverse commercial uses. It is one of the major vegetable crops that are grown throughout the world especially in tropical and subtropical regions. India is a major producer, exporter and consumer of chilli. We are trying to create a cost effective mobile edge device for Chilli Color identification and Grading, keeping in mind the important applications of Oleoresin (Chilli-oil); quality of Oleoresin depends on color count of chilli which is measured in (American Spice Trading Association) ASTA units. Oleoresin is a natural colorant which is used in coloring of Cosmetics, Food, Fabrics and Pharma.

Methodology / Approach

Proposed methodology starts with the acquisition of image(s). After acquisition of image(s), preprocessing and filtering is done to remove unwanted noise from the image. The preprocessed and filtered image is converted into the binary image and its features are extracted. Based on the feature extraction, result estimations are done. Depending on the estimation, classification and grading are done

Technologies Used

Intel Movidius Stick, NCS SDK, OpenVINO, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV

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