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CareMore is intelligent wearable equipment serving as the guardian and the lack of self-protection awareness and ability of the child. ...learn more

Mobile, Artificial Intelligence

Overview / Usage

CareMore is a cloud based on intelligent wearable equipment, combined with emotional recognition, heart rate analysis, semantic analysis of the dangerous warning software system. It serves the guardian and the lack of self-protection awareness and ability of the child.
The system is composed of intelligent wearable equipment, cloud server, guardian client, which can wear intelligent equipment to test the heart rate and upload data; cloud core technology based on Intel Caffe depth study, to complete the heart rate, audio emotional motivation analysis; The result of the processing sends an alert notice to remind the guardian of the processing.
The system realizes the heart rate of the children by the intelligent wearable equipment and realizes the sensitive vocabulary. The audio and the heart rate characteristic of the dangerous sensitive vocabulary are uploaded to the cloud, and the cloud has been determined. The judgment result, the audio and the location information are sent to Client, for the guardian to judge and take measures.

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