Detecting PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for Our COVID-19 Warriors

Ali Mustufa Shaikh

Ali Mustufa Shaikh

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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  • 0 Collaborators

Object Detection for COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment detections for frontline warriors with 5 Classes ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

oneAPI, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
oneAPI, OpenVINO, Intel Opt ML/DL Framework

Overview / Usage

Our Essential Worker's Life is Important in these times of COVID-19 and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) plays a key role in keeping them safe;

We decided to make an Object detection Algorithm which can help us find if they are equipped with necessary PPE Kits for the Task.

It can detect 5 classes mainly face shield, mask, full cover, Gloves, Goggles with good accuracy optimized using Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit for Deployment;

Methodology / Approach

We have labeled the Images manually and used TensorFlow Object Detection API for training the Model.

The model used: SSD Inception v4

Then used Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit for optimization and deployment

**Make code presentable for sharing.

Technologies Used

  1. TensorFlow Object Detection API.
  2. Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit for interfacing and optimization.
  3. Intel® oneAPI DevCloud for Training.
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