Distributed controller in SDN

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Software defined network gives a intelligent way to manage network resources. Controller manages and forward policies to switches by flow entries. Control plane is usually implemented in form of distributed controller cluster. Cluster technology monitors all types of events and lead to big data in SDN.The problem of latency and packet loss is solved in this paper. High availability and scalability are two issues in SDN. ...learn more

Project status: Concept


Overview / Usage

It consist of cluster of three nodes ,like it three clusters are made,then three controllers are present ,they are denoted by green circle lines.The nodes send data through controllers.One node from a cluster send data first to controller and that controller send data to other controller which is connected to the node which is destination node.The data flow parallely ,it is reliable and consistent.The packet loss occurs but it is very less as compared to distributed controller without clustering.
The latency which is time taken by controller to process single packet is measured looking at the time in ns2,the packet loss is carried out to capture the number of dropped packets during controller failover test. The controller failover is carried out by streaming udp packets send among two nodes,the total number of packets loss is captured. The metric used is number of packet loss,and it is measured packet loss by observing time also. Once the data start flowing, we have to observe it for some time,the changes it show regarding latency and packet loss. The performance of network increases,because latency gets reduced ,all nodes are connected in cluster.
The latency between nodes to controller is improved in distributed controller.Latencies is calculated by considering distance between nodes and controller. The graph are constructed considering placement of controller,delay time required to process a single packet

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