Dog breed classification
- 0 Collaborators
Dog breed classification using Resnet50 architecture.Fully implemented from scratch in keras. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Intel Technologies
AI DevCloud / Xeon,
Intel Opt ML/DL Framework
Overview / Usage
This projects teaches you how a resnet50 convolutional neural network work .10222 images of 120 different breeds of dogs are are used as training dataset. Dataset is available in this link
Methodology / Approach
I'm using Resnet-50 architecture(transfer-learning) for classifying dogs.Using keras, tensorflow as backend.Images are having a ID number which contribute to different dog breeds.Feeding it into a resnet50 convolutional neural network.And training the last few layers of the model.
Technologies Used
Python,Jupyter notebook, keras, tensorflow as backend,intel ai devcloud