Dreamote !

Ganesh Kumar T K

Ganesh Kumar T K

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

1 1
  • 0 Collaborators

OpenCV draw buttons and sliders sends inputs to arduino ! ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Virtual Reality, RealSense™, Internet of Things

Student Developers for AI, Artificial Intelligence India, DeepLearning

Intel Technologies
Intel Python, Movidius NCS

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

You draw the controls and you can interact with them in the real world and it will output to serial port to arduino and turn on lights and things.

Methodology / Approach

We used OpenCV image processing Java library to detect specific contour shapes for controls, and detect skin colour blobs for user interaction. We then checked if a specific vertex of the bloc is interacting with a draw element. If we send an output to serial port with is then decoded by the Arduino board and it performs some task like dimming or turning off/on an led.



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