Obstacle detection using a single camera(drone)

Ranjan Mondal

Ranjan Mondal

Baranagar, West Bengal

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Generally done navigation is done GPS. Using GPS coordinates and a single camera we can approximately detect obstacle using multiview geometry ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Virtual Reality, Robotics, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
Other, Movidius NCS

Overview / Usage

Generally done navigation is done GPS. But we ca do it using camera by building 3D model of real world.
Computability power has been increased now a days. So we can do real time calculation and navigate drone.

Methodology / Approach

For this project we have assumed that drone is moving and capturing multiple images in real time. Initially we will calibrate the camera by checker board and know the internal camera parameters K. From the Two images we can calculate essential matrix E. and Compute Rotation and Translation matrix and also the depth with some scale Next we will use kalman filter to find

Technologies Used

Deep Learning-library, Linear Algebra, Multi view geometry, Python,

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