Eye For Blind Person

Jitender Kumar

Jitender Kumar

New Delhi, Delhi

3 0
  • 0 Collaborators

This idea can give some kind of perception with the help of machine learning. We can detect objects and convert the inferences into a voice based message, so that a blind person can actually have some kind of sense that on what objects they are looking. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
Intel Python, Intel Opt ML/DL Framework

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

In this project, We have created three modules till now and in future more modules to come as soon as possible. Our First module says that, When a blind person is standing in front of someone then how he can understand whether he or she is male or female.

Our Second model, is says that their can be many major accidents when blind person is walking on a street and suddenly an open manhole come across in his path, so their can see a seviour accident and same for stairs, when they are getting down from stairs. Our model identify those dangerous objects and alert blind person before accident.

Our Third model, is to understand the reading problems for blind person. Where our model understand the text written in front of a blind person and then convert all the text data into voice based message so that they can understand what they are looking.

Methodology / Approach

•For this application I have use Convolutional neural network.

•First of all, I clean the image data and pre-process the data in the format which is acceptable for keras in tensorflow using numpy library of intel distribution for python.

•Then, we create a model that indicate who is coming towards you i.e. some male guy or female guy.

•Then, we create an application that uses this model and convert inference to voice based message which can alert blind person.

Technologies Used

  1. Intel Distributed for Python

  2. Intel i5 8th Gen processor

  3. Intel Distribution for Tensorflow

  4. OpenCV



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