Face Detection in Python

Ali Mustufa Shaikh

Ali Mustufa Shaikh

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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I wrote a Program for detecting the faces in from the live camera feed using OpenCV ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

This program helps us to identify the human faces in the images using the live webcam.

The code searches for the face frame by frame, so it will take a fair amount of processing power. For example, on my five-year-old laptop, it took almost 90% of the CPU.

Methodology / Approach

I used Open source tech stack, this just the demo of how more we can achieve using OpenCV Library.

We can also train numerous different types of objects to detect and identify using this library and training the model on Tensorflow in future.

If you want to take it one step further and recognize individual faces - perhaps to detect and recognize your face amongst many strangers - the task is surprisingly difficult. This is mainly due to a large amount of image pre-processing involved.

Technologies Used

Python (Programming Language)



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