Feature Extraction tool for bean seeds

Henry Ruiz

Henry Ruiz


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Feature Extraction tool for bean seeds: a mobile application developed on the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 835 Mobile Hardware Development Kit, which takes pictures of seeds and then extracts phenotyping features for each seed. Suach ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Mobile, Artificial Intelligence

Student Developers for AI

Overview / Usage

Is a mobile application developed on the Snapdragon 835 Mobile Hardware Development Kit which allows users to take a picture of a seed, and determine its phenotypic characteristics such as color, size, shape, area, perimeter, aspect ratio and texture. Additionally, the app includes a module that infers the health status of a plant based on its color. This solution also uses the FastCV library to support the image processing algorithms we implemented.

In the future I would like to include the feature of classifying beans using deep learning techniques and, make use of the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK for AI and TensorFlow.

Technologies Used

Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 835 Mobile Hardware Development Kit, FastCV, OpenCV for android

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