File Creator CLI

Debasish Sahoo

Debasish Sahoo

Bhubaneswar, Odisha

1 0
  • 0 Collaborators

A simple Command Line application which allows you to create files in your directory/folder, with all types of file extension in a more interactive way ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

HPC, PC Skills

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

A simple Command Line application which allows you to create files in your directory/folder, with all types of file extension in a more interactive way.


npm install -g filecreator-cli

Methodology / Approach

  • Create a directory/file
  • Delete a directory/file
  • Rename a file
  • Get file size

Steps to follow:

  1. cd to the directory/folder where u want to create your file/folder using command line
  2. type create in your shell
  3. Answer the questions about creating directory or file, enter details asked and press Enter
  4. You can type help or h to see all commands available.
  5. 🎉 Your file/folder is ready
Running locally
  • Fork and clone the repo.
  • cd to the project directory eg. cd File-Creator-CLI
  • Type npm i to install all packages.
  • Run npm start to start the server.

Always run tests before commiting using npm run test ( It will also check for linting issues)

Technologies Used

**Javascript libraries **

  • bdd-stdin

  • cfonts (for font)

  • chalk

  • eslint-plugin-jest (for writing test cases )

  • figlet

  • inquirer (for user experience in the command line)



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