Helping Glasses for Blind people

Tanmoy Bhowmick

Tanmoy Bhowmick

Kolkata, West Bengal

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  • 0 Collaborators

This glasses will give a new vision to visually impaired people. it will help them to know which object and who is present in front of them and to find roads with the help of navigation. The whole device will be operated by voice commands. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies

Overview / Usage

It will help blind people to know which object and who is present in front of them. with facial recognition for that the major problem accident and disability to knowing people and objects will be solved and it will also help them to find roads for them with the help of GPS and Navigation system.

The whole device will be operated by voice commands. one ear phone will be attached with the glasses and the system will tell them which road they should take for their destination. and it will also help them to find desire objects in marketplace.

Technologies Used

  1. OpenVino toolkit

2)Navigation and GPS system


4)developer board

5)Artificial intelligent


7)voice assistant

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