Humman following Automated Cart & Cashier System

Thisara Edirisingha

Thisara Edirisingha

Colombo, Western Province

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  • 0 Collaborators

Automated Cart & Cashier System GitHub repo: Automated Cart & Cashier. Features: Autonomous navigation, product recognition, self-checkout, transaction logging. Tech: Arduino, computer vision, payment integration. Get started with setup guide and sample code. Contributions welcome! MIT License. Revo ...learn more

Project status: Concept


Intel Technologies

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

The Automated Cart & Cashier System GitHub repository is a project aimed at revolutionizing the shopping experience by incorporating autonomous navigation, product recognition, self-checkout, and transaction logging functionalities. This system utilizes Arduino microcontrollers, computer vision techniques, and payment integration to create an automated shopping cart and cashier system.

Users interested in exploring or contributing to this project can follow these steps:

Clone the Repository:

Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine using the provided URL.

Setup Guide:

Refer to the setup guide included in the repository for detailed instructions on setting up the hardware components, installing necessary software dependencies, and configuring the system.

Sample Code:

Explore the sample code provided in the repository to understand the implementation of various features such as autonomous navigation, product recognition, self-checkout, and transaction logging.

Contribution Guidelines:

Review the contribution guidelines in the repository to understand how you can contribute to the project. Contributions such as bug fixes, feature enhancements, documentation improvements, or new feature implementations are welcome.


Note that the project is licensed under the MIT License, which allows for open collaboration and usage of the codebase, with proper attribution and without warranty.

Methodology / Approach

The Automated Cart & Cashier System employs the following methodology to achieve its objectives:

  1. Autonomous Navigation:
    Utilizes sensors and algorithms to enable the cart to navigate through the store autonomously, avoiding obstacles and reaching its destination efficiently.
  2. Product Recognition:
    Incorporates computer vision techniques to identify products placed in the cart, enabling automatic inventory management and self-checkout functionality.
  3. Self-Checkout:
    Implements a user-friendly interface and payment integration system to allow customers to scan and pay for their items without the need for human intervention.
  4. Transaction Logging:
    Logs details of each transaction, including purchased items, prices, and payment methods, for record-keeping and analysis purposes.

Technologies Used

The Automated Cart & Cashier System utilizes the following technologies:

  1. Arduino:
    Arduino microcontrollers are used to control the hardware components of the system, including motors, sensors, and displays.
  2. Computer Vision:
    Computer vision algorithms and libraries are employed for product recognition, enabling the system to identify items placed in the cart.
  3. Payment Integration:
    Payment integration services are utilized to facilitate secure and seamless transactions, allowing customers to pay for their purchases electronically.
  4. Other Technologies:
    Additional technologies may be used depending on the specific implementation, such as RFID for product tracking, RFID/NFC for contactless payments, and communication protocols for data exchange between system components.


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