Intel Alexa Companion Bot

We are building a digital assistant which is based on alexa and we will be using Deep learning to predict the mood of the person by using OpenCV and create a chat box based on the cognitive response. to give a touch on the UI, we will be incorporating a Holographic projection display with it. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Mobile, RealSense™, Networking, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies

Overview / Usage

We are building a digital assistant which is based on alexa and we will be using Deep learning to predict the mood of the person by using OpenCV and create a chat box based on the cognitive response. to give a touch on the UI, we will be incorporating a Holographic projection display with it.

We will also be creating a framework for Alexa(skills) for Intel based board to incorporate this project.

Technologies Used

Intel Joule
Alexa SDK
Alexa Skills using Lambda
Image Recognition
Microsoft cognitive API


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