Intel OpenVINO on Google Colab

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The OpenVINO distribution from Intel makes AI inferencing fast and easy. This tutorial would teach you how to test the power of OpenVINO ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies

Docs/PDFs [1]Code Samples [1]Links [1]

Overview / Usage

The OpenVINO distribution from Intel makes _**AI inferencing **_fast and easy. Inference is basically the stage where a model has obtained all its education(training) and needs to show off by deducing new information based on its capabilities. The OpenVINO framework makes inference and deployment across various architectures really easy. This tutorial would teach you how to test the power of OpenVINO on Google Colab.

Methodology / Approach

In general, the steps for using OpenVINO are:

 - using a pretrained model from Intel Model Zoo or using your own model(build)

 - Using the Inference engine to generate xml and bin files(optimize)

 - Deploying using your preferred environment

I would be using Google Colab to show how to set up inferencing using generated xml and bin files from pretrained models(Intel OpenVINO Model Zoo). I have also shown how to generate this xml and bin files.

Technologies Used

Google Colab




Documents and Presentations


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