IoT based Home Automation With Face Recognition
- 0 Collaborators
Face Recognition, Gmail , MqTT , ThingSpeak Visualization and Arduino works together for safety, security, control and monitoring of home. ...learn more
Overview / Usage
This home automation project adds mainly four features: Security, Safety, Control and Monitoring. Firstly the system needs a face authentication for the user to be able to enter the home ( Lock unlock). When an unauthenticated person tries to log in, his face will be captured and would be sent to gmail as attachment. The system also supports remote home control using MqTT protocol. The Arduino device is attached to PC using serial communication. A C#.Net client is written to handle face recognition and MqTT messages. A LM 35 based temperature sensor is used for home temperature monitoring which pushes the data to ThingSpeak Channel. The data can be visualized remotely in real time.
In case there is a fire at home ( simulated by high temperature), the notification is pushed to gmail and is routed to other cloud social sites using IFTTT.