Low-cost vapor recovery system at fuel stations



Hyderabad, Telangana

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  • 0 Collaborators

This project was problem solving one. This problem was raised by Indian Oil on Smart India Hackathon - to over come its vapor formation at gas stations in a very cost effective method. The proposed idea was short listed to finals and was accepted by Indian Oil. ...learn more

Project status: Concept


Docs/PDFs [1]

Overview / Usage

When there is a temperature difference in any substance it tries to change its original state. Thus it same happens with fluids like gasoline. We require gasoline to run our transport, hence this gasoline is available at gas stations. During loading and unloading of gasoline at stations. The gasoline tries to change itself from liquid to vapor state and thus this vapor is lost in the air and is very harmful to the environment and to the health of living beings. This formation of vapor can leads to burn down the whole station or city (if it's small)

We understood the depth of the problem and came up with the Idea that to reduce the vapor formation at stations while loading and unloading of gasoline, hence by forcing the gasoline to be in its original state. We introduced cost effective technique by implementation of balloon into the storage chambers.

The balloon can be filled with an inert gas such as Nitrogen. This balloon pressure can be easily maintained electronically by a microcontroller attached to a pump.

Documents and Presentations

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