Movie App



Dhaka, Dhaka Division

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  • 0 Collaborators

A comprehensive Movie App offering users access to movie information, trailers, reviews, and personalized recommendations. Developed with modern technologies for seamless browsing and discovery of movies across platforms. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market


Intel Technologies
Intel CPU

Overview / Usage

Movie Web is an online platform that centralizes movie information, solving issues of fragmented data and aiding in movie discovery.

Problems Solved
  1. Consolidated Info: Combines movie details, cast, crew, and reviews.
  2. Discoverability: Provides personalized movie recommendations.
  3. User Interaction: Features reviews, ratings, and discussion forums.
Usage in Production

Users access Movie Web to:

  • Browse Movies: Detailed information on films.
  • Get Recommendations: Personalized movie suggestions.
  • Read Reviews: Aggregated ratings and user reviews.
  • Watch Trailers: Access to trailers and clips.
  • Engage: Participate in forums and discussions.

Movie Web enhances the movie-watching experience with a comprehensive and interactive platform.

Methodology / Approach

Our methodology integrates modern web development practices and technologies to solve the problem of fragmented movie information and enhance user experience.

Technology and Techniques
  1. Data Aggregation:

    • APIs: Utilize APIs from sources like IMDb, TMDb, and Rotten Tomatoes to gather comprehensive movie data.
    • Web Scraping: Implement web scraping techniques to fetch data from various movie-related websites when APIs are unavailable

- **Frameworks**:

- **Frontend**:
    - **React.js**: For building a responsive and interactive user interface.
    - **Redux**: For state management, ensuring smooth data flow within the app.
    - **Material-UI**: For consistent and visually appealing design components.
- **Backend**:
    - **Node.js**: For server-side scripting and handling asynchronous operations.
    - **Express.js**: For building the RESTful API to interact with the frontend.

    - **Standards**:

- **Security**: Implement HTTPS for secure data transmission and OAuth for user authentication.
- **Privacy**: Adhere to GDPR and CCPA regulations to ensure user data privacy.
- **Accessibility**: Follow WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to make the platform accessible to all users.

- **Techniques**:

- **Database Management**:
    - **MongoDB**: For scalable and flexible data storage.
    - **Redis**: For caching frequently accessed data to improve performance.

By combining these technologies, frameworks, standards, and techniques, our methodology ensures that Movie Web delivers a seamless, efficient, and engaging user experience, addressing the core problems of fragmented movie information and discoverability.

Technologies Used

Development Technologies
  • Frontend: React.js, Redux, Material-UI, Axios
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Redis
  • APIs: IMDb, TMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
  • Tools: Visual Studio Code, Git, Docker

Hardware and Intel Technologies
  • Intel Xeon processors
  • SSDs
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