Multi asset option pricer

Aidan O Mahony

Aidan O Mahony

Cork, County Cork

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Extension to existing two asset pricer to N asset option pricer based on pascals simplex ...learn more

Project status: Under Development


Intel Technologies
Intel FPGA

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

This project presents an implementation of an accurate multi-asset option pricer on an Intel Stratix 10 GX FPGA. The implementation is highly flexible for the number of assets supported, the maximum tree depth, and the pipelining parameters. The implementation presented in this paper allows for the computation of an option price on up to 7 assets and can compute up to 43 times faster than general-purpose processors.

Methodology / Approach

The theory that this architecture is based on is that of a recombining multinomial tree approach, which is a generalization of the binomial tree model. It is an extension of the work first presented

Technologies Used

Stratix 10/OpenCL


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