Museum Exhibit

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Museum exhibit AR Visualization for wind & paper experiments ...learn more


Overview / Usage

The Wind Race AR experience would be installed on an Intel Nuc PC mounted out of the way behind a monitor, the PC is a fully functional i5 PC with Wi-Fi & Bluetooth connectivity, also equipped will be a RealSense R200 Depth camera capable of generating a real-time depth based point cloud independent of lighting conditions. The paper helicopter creations of guests would be tracked using the depth feed provided by the R200 Camera thus allowing a computer graphic to be overlaid on the RGB video feed from the camera to augment the display of the guests’ experience.

The real world paper helicopters made by guests are propelled upwards in the air using a jet of air generated by fans mounted in the base of the table. the Wind Race project (working title) tracks the creations and shows a UFO which follows the path of the paper helicopter upwards. Flight times are recorded and displayed when the Helicopter goes out of range.

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