Solar Architecture: Extruding Spaces

Nejla Harris

Nejla Harris

Charlotte, North Carolina

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  • 0 Collaborators

This project aims to create murals as 3D occupiable spaces, which involves transforming flat surfaces into three-dimensional environments that can be experienced by people as they move through the space. This approach to mural-making will include scientific methods of solar architecture study. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Networking, Graphics and Media

Intel Technologies
oneAPI, Intel Integrated Graphics, Intel CPU, Other, Intel Python

Docs/PDFs [1]Links [1]

Overview / Usage

When I started creating I was around the age of 5. My father, an AfricanAmerican man, introduced me to my first painting even though it was with my paint covering my small fingers. I was able to notice the difference between the two environments I grew up in. The hot summers were spent in the projects of a small town in North Carolina and other seasons in a predominantly white area. Through my education in Architecture, I’ve come to realize the space I loved the most in the summer would be considered a Redline Area. What is Redlining? As defined by author Brad Plumer, Redlining is a majority-black low-income area that is a factor of racial inequality. These redline communities are homes for children, families, and friends who are exposed to hotter temperatures that can lead to extreme health conditions. These communities, like where I am from, do not benefit from freshly covered parks, shaded trees, and proper location of resources like most white communities. My project on Reimaging ways to design is to rethink and include these minority communities in the proper installation of heat protection. In the African-American Community, art is used heavily, as a way of communication. This imaginative idea is to represent bringing 2D street art into 3D occupiable space. This idea is fulfilled by an abstract Canopy that reflects heat, planters that will provide growth for tree shading, and extruded walls from street murals. This allows the Message to go from visual to thoughtful inhabited space for human occupation. During my time on the Street art mural team in Greensboro, I realized street artists see similarly to how designers do. Furthermore, my position as a Research Assistant studying affordability of solar architecture, opens a range of possibilities. Space becomes an initiative in the overall artistic process. Art has found and continues to find a way in the black community and designers can make a difference by including these Redline communities.

Technologies Used

Through my educational experience, I've learned that Intels oneAPI technology can be a valuable tool for a project like solar architecture. Specifically for my Solar Architecture: Extruding Surfaces project, oneAPI enables students to create high performance in computing devices.

Intel oneAPI technology can be used in various ways to enhance and facilitate a creative project. For the IDR Lab at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, we plan and use optimized code that can run across multiple types of computing devices such as CPU and GPU.

Here are some examples of oneAPI Technology that will and is currently used in this project:

  • Rendering for 3D Modeling.
    • OneAPI contributes as a perfect engine to display this art installation, architectural designs, and diagrammatic solutions. The rendering process is depended on creating high-quality and photorealistic ideas for a finalized project.
  • Developing analysis of artist material.
    • For this project specifically, it is important to advise the behavior of different materials such as paint, or structure material. OneAPI can help experiment with these different materials.

In conclusion, the technological goal of this project is to depend on the running of stimulation tests to evaluate and develop a need for analysis. Using 3D Modeling and coding scripts from software like Grasshopper, it is possible to use oneAPI valuable tools to represent a higher performance and success for this project.

Other Uses:

  • Physical installations.
  • Graphic presentation.
  • Cultural artifacts. Running stimulation of the production.
  • Solar analysis. 3d modeling along with python script.

Documents and Presentations

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