Nao as Google Assistant

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Softbank Robotics to behave like a Google Assistant,it responds to normal voice command/questions (eg. "Who is Obama?", "What time is it?", "Turn off the light", etc...) like a normal Google Home would do with NAO robot ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
Intel Integrated Graphics, Intel FPGA, Intel Python

Overview / Usage

  1. GA-Server is a simple script that works as a server, it receives audio chunks from a client and it forwards them to Google Assistant.
  2. This script can be used (with a client) when you want to integrate GA into a device that is not powerful enough or in a device where the SDK couldn't be installed.

Methodology / Approach

  • The robot hears "Hey" (that triggers the speech recognition box)
  • GA box starts recording microphone's audio with arecord and every bits it's sent to the server trough a TCP stream
  • The server start a connection with GA and it forwards microphone's audio sent by the robot
  • GA sends the response packets to the server
  • The robot receive the JSON response and it read _a record _the response that is into it

Technologies Used

  • Intel python
  • Choreographe SDK
  • Intel i7
  • Naoqi
  • Node-js Server
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