Personalized Medicine using AI

Vishal V

Vishal V

Bengaluru, Karnataka

A personalized medicine platform that uses the patient's genomic data to prime the doctor to be able to provide personalized treatment ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Student Developers for AI

Overview / Usage

Doctor's these days use a lot of assumptions and biases in diagnosing and treating their patients due to constraints in time and lack of personalized information. The project aims to analyze a patient's genome and draw out a genealogy chart to help doctor's understand the actual underlying causes of a patient's problem and thus offer him a more personalized treatment plan. This project uses machine learning and deep learning techniques to be able to derive insights from the genetic makeup of the patient and remove any guess work involved in a medical practitioner's diagnosis.

Methodology / Approach

We are currently compiling anonymous data from hospitals and other freely available data from Kaggle and NIH (National Institute of Health). Upon getting the required data, we will take saliva samples of the volunteers and analyze their genes and compare it with our data to identify any diseases they may be predisposed to owing to their genes. This data will then be used to discern if the doctor's diagnosis will vary with the results of our experiment.

Technologies Used

We have used R with bioconductor for the data science aspects of the analysis. The machine learning algorithms have been implemented in python with galaxy.


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