Plant leaf disease detection ROBOT using Deep neural networks and ML skills.

kamjula Chandrasekhar

kamjula Chandrasekhar

Bengaluru, Karnataka

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A robo car type is being built using mobile net ssd neural network to detect the plant leaf diseases. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Robotics, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies

Overview / Usage

This project aims at building a Robo car type which detects the lettuce plant leaf and leafy vegetable diseases. Using public dataset of diseased and healthy plants, a pretrained model is implemented to detect the type of disease the plant has and send the same massage to the farm owner. Identifying diseases can lead to quicker interventions that can be implemented to reduce the effect of crop diseases on food supply.

Methodology / Approach

the hardware part includes
The Raspberry pi model 3, The Arduino UNO board, Ultrasonic distance sensor. like an RC car, we mount the image processing and disease classifier on that and predict the type of disease the plant has (lettuce plant) and send the message to the farmer automatically.

Technologies Used

using python and c++ programming languages.

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