ProBion : Neural Signal Interpreted AI Integrated Bionic Prosthetic Automation

Aslam Ubaid

Aslam Ubaid

Kuttippuram, Kerala

ProBion is a project that deals with Neural signal interpretation ie, classifying the wast domain of neural signals from neurons, ganglions, spinal cord, brain etc and automating prosthetic limbs for amputees and operating exoskeletal systems paraplegic patients. If emerged a success, this could change the world for many people in a way they never even dreamt about. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Robotics, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies

Overview / Usage

ProBion consists of two main components, the interpreter which receives signals from neurons and the AI program interprets the signal and instruction sets in relation to these signals are sent to the second component which is the prosthetic limb or exoskeleton. The project requires a large number of research models to be able to classify signals to what action they are corresponding to. Each tiny movement a mayo tissue utilizes a vast array of signals corresponding to what purpose is it for. Classifying these signals is the first and toughest part.

Methodology / Approach

Volunteer test subjects will be asked to wear sleeves with electrodes attached to it on their limbs and a signal and muscle activity recorder will be attached to each sleeve. They will be asked to do regular tasks from daily chores to intense workout sessions. The data thus collected will be given to the ML/AI program. The program learns the signal-movement relation and is translated to instruction sets for the prosthetic limbs.
The limb will be made of carbon fibre skeleton with integrated servo motors for each movable joints. In the final testing phase, it is subjected to real-world tasks from picking up things to drawing complex models.


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