Rain on Your Parade

Jakub Kasztalski

Jakub Kasztalski

Seattle, Washington

3 0
  • 0 Collaborators

You are a mischievous Cloud set to rain on everyone's parade! Travel the world and cause mayhem in numerous short-and-sweet levels, each with unique objectives. The ultimate Schadenfreude Simulator! ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Game Development

Intel Technologies
Intel Integrated Graphics, Intel CPU

Links [2]

Overview / Usage

A slapstick comedy game where you play as a mischievous Cloud and rain on everyone's parade. Numerous levels with unique objectives to test your skills and deduction, each getting progressively more ridiculous. Unlock new abilities and discovering new mechanics going far beyond just raining on people! Go back and replay older levels to find new secrets and improve your score.

The main problem the game is solving is the dearth of laughter in people's lives. I mean, it's a little happy cloud with a top hat ruining a perfectly fine wedding, as little hoomans run around with high-pitch screaming and chairs are flung unrealisticlly in the air! Complete chaos as the cloud laughs delightfully... how can you not let off at least a bit of a chuckle :) ?

Methodology / Approach

We're using an agile and iterative approach. Since the game is level-based, it lends itself well to separating different mechanics and ideas into nice chunks we can then iterate over, test, and adjust. As we implement new levels and mechanics, we constantly go back to earlier levels and improve them as well.

Similar with graphics and art style - we've gone through a few art passes now and finally found a style that we feel fits our game and helps it stand out! We're still working on the final polish, though.

We're working on weekly and monthly milestones, and constantly course-correcting. However, we now have a solid Beta baseline and expectations for a what we want to implement to base our development schedule around. We are confident we release the game around Q1 next year.

Technologies Used

Unity 3D Engine and numerous third party assets (Easy Decals, Art packs, etc.)



BitBucket + SourceTree

Discord (team communication & management)

Google Docs (design & scheduling)

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