Real-time weapon detection using TFOD API & TensorRT

Sayak Paul

Sayak Paul

Kolkata, West Bengal

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  • 0 Collaborators

The project demonstrates the use of TensorFlow Object Detection (TFOD) API along with TensorRT for detecting weapons in real-time. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Overview / Usage

I took a SSD_Inception_V2 network pre-trained on the Coco dataset and fine-tuned it to aid this.

Methodology / Approach

  • Dataset preparation (PASCAL VOC to TFRecords)

  • Model configuration settings

  • Model training and evaluation

  • Model quantization

  • Inference on Jetson Nano

Technologies Used

  • TensorFlow 1.14

  • TF_TRT_Models

  • TensorRT

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