Realtime Deep Fakes

Imagine standing in front of a mirror where you are no longer looking into your own face, but rather into that of Barack Obama or Angela Merkel. In real time, your own facial expressions are transferred to the other person's face. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
AI DevCloud / Xeon

Links [2]

Overview / Usage

The facial expressions of a person standing in front of a camera are recognized and displayed as the faces of known persons, such as, for example, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama or Elon Musk, broadcast. In the final video stream, the software first removes the input face completely, and then replaces it with the Deep Fake. The prototype presented by TNG is a kind of mirror in which one recognizes his facial expressions, but not his face.

The basis for this is Artificial Intelligence. Through the use of various computer vision and neural network techniques, faces are recognized in the video input, translated and integrated back into the video output. Through this technique, it is possible to project deceptively real imitations on other people.

Methodology / Approach

Auto-encoder networks were trained by means of so-called GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks). In addition, the software developers used various neural networks like MobileNet and UNet for facial recognition and facial segmentation.

Technologies Used

  • Keras with a Tensorflow backend
  • Python


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