Runes: The Forgotten Path

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Runes is an adventure game build from the ground up for VR. Designed as a story driven adventure, in Runes you will become a wizard lost in a fantastic world, full of strange characters and magical experiences. Using your motion controllers you will cast spells in the air by drawing ancient runes, and use your powers to escape the damnation of Obilivion. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Virtual Reality, Game Development, Graphics and Media

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Overview / Usage

Runes: The Forgotten Path is a VR adventure set in a fantasy world in which you play as a renegade wizard. You will master the art of spellcasting by drawing rune shapes in the air with your hands to solve puzzles and fight enemies.

With your spells and wits you will try to remember your lost memories and escape Oblivion, a prison inside your own mind. Runes will challenge you with puzzles designed specifically for VR without holding your hand throughout the process. The story puts you in a world made of dreams and memories that will captivate your senses.

-100% designed for room scale VR.
-Cast spells by drawing in the air with motion controllers.
-Mocap animations blended through IK to make characters feel alive.
-Full story driven VR title with different environments and puzzle solving.
-Photogrammetry for full deep and immersive worlds.
-New seamless locomotion system.
-Nodding system: answer to yes or no questions just by moving your head.

Methodology / Approach

Runes: The Forgotten Path has been in our minds since the astonishing success of the Oculus Rift Kickstarter paved the way for the surge of VR. With the advent of room-scale VR the project found its perfect medium. Designed from the ground up for Virtual Reality the interactions and the world are as consistent with what your senses expect as possible. Everything is physical and has a consistency expected by your brain.

The physical interactions with the world have been refined and tested to make things as natural as possible while giving you a sense of wonder and immersion.

In the topic of locomotion we do use standard techniques players know by now(teleport, smooth locomotion) , but we also invented a novel approach we call "4th Wall", in which the player can get "out if his own body" and transport its body in a 3rd person fixed perspective completely absent of motion sickness, while adding an extra layer of depth and narrative. This mechanic also allows for new and innovative gameplay scenarios and puzzles.

Our in-game characters have been captured with the latest mocap technologies available and blended through IK techniques to make them feel alive, an essential characteristic necessary for true VR.

Technologies Used

Unity, SteamVR, Mocap, Maya, Substance Designer, Substance Painter, Adobe Photoshop, 3DS max, Illustrator, Zbrush

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