
Alessandro de Oliveira Faria

Alessandro de Oliveira Faria

State of São Paulo

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  • 0 Collaborators

Political elections must take place but without putting the population at risk. For the pandemic has shown that technologies with less contact prevent the spread of COVID-19 and others. I created this project with computer vision technology to minimize the spread of the disease that shook the world ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

RealSense™, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
OpenVINO, Movidius NCS

Overview / Usage

Political elections must take place but without putting the population at risk. For the pandemic has shown that technologies with less contact prevent the spread of COVID-19 and others. I created this project with computer vision technology to minimize the spread of the disease that shook the world.

Self-service terminals, electronic voting machines should not require physical contact. With this technology, only with the hands or fingers can we interact with the equipment in real time.

Methodology / Approach

This project work with predictor classes available. One that which predicts 2D keypoints and another predicts 3D keypoints.

Technologies Used

openCV and openVINO

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