Seed Germination Through Monitored Moisture and Temperature

Nandeeshvar Porko Pandiyan

Nandeeshvar Porko Pandiyan

Manipal, Karnataka

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  • 0 Collaborators

Soil moisture and temperature play a very important role in seed germination and further growth of the crop. Maintaining the exact conditions which a particular seed requires will result in germination of the seed and healthy growth of the crop. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

We have developed a system in which the size of the seed and temperature is used to predict the required moisture content for perfect germination of the seed. The soil moisture content and temperature is kept under check all the time and the required conditions are maintained.

Methodology / Approach

Using the previously collected data set of seeds of a particular size that have germinated at a optimal soil temperature, the soil moisture required for a given seed to germinate and grow healthy is predicted using linear regression model.

Technologies Used

Linear Regression
Arduino Uno


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