Sensey: Simplified sensor based event and gesture detection

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Android library which makes playing with sensor events & detecting gestures a breeze. ...learn more



Overview / Usage

Android library which makes playing with sensor events & detecting gestures a breeze.

The library is built for simplicity and ease of use. It eliminates most boilerplate code for dealing with setting up sensor based event and gesture detection on Android.

Supported gestures

  1. Flip

     - onFaceUp
     - onFaceDown
  2. Light

     - onDark
     - onLight
  3. Orientation
    - onTopSideUp
    - onBottomSideUp
    - onLeftSideUp
    - onRightSideUp

  4. PinchScale

     - OnScale
     - OnScaleStart
     - OnScaleEnd
  5. Proximity

     - onNear
     - onFar
  6. Shake

  7. Wave

  8. Chop

  9. WristTwist

  10. Movement

  11. SoundLevel

  12. RotationAngle

  13. TiltDirection

  14. TouchType

     - onDoubleTap
     - onScroll(direction)
     - onSingleTap
     - onSwipeLeft
     - onSwipeRight
     - onLongPress
     - onTwoFingerSingleTap
     - onThreeFingerSingleTap
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