Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data (Using CNNs)

Aditya Khandelwal

Aditya Khandelwal

Pune, Maharashtra

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  • 0 Collaborators

Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data using a CNN with character-level encoding in Keras and Tensorflow. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

DeepLearning, Artificial Intelligence India, Student Developers for AI

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

A deep learning model to implement Sentiment Analysis by a character-level Convolutional Neural Network, based on the paper by Xiang Zhang, Yann LeCun, and Junbo Zhao. Model is scaled down to decrease training time and memory usage.

Methodology / Approach

This model has been implemented using Keras(Tensorflow backend), Pandas and Numpy. Model Architecture:

1D Conv Layer with 64 kernels, kernel_size=7, ReLU activation.
1D Max Pooling with pool_size=3
1D Conv Layer with 64 kernels, kernel_size=7,ReLU activation.
1D Max Pooling with pool_size=3
1D Conv Layer with 32 kernels, kernel_size=3,ReLU activation
1D Conv Layer with 32 kernels, kernel_size=3,ReLU activation
1D Conv Layer with 16 kernels, kernel_size=3,ReLU activation
1D Conv Layer with 16 kernels, kernel_size=3,ReLU activation
1D Max Pooling with pool_size=3
Dense Layer with 64 nodes, ReLU activation, 0.5 dropout
Dense Layer with 32 nodes, ReLU activation, 0.5 dropout
Output Node with sigmoid activation

Technologies Used

Python, Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow, Keras


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