Smart Grid System

Riya Guha Thakurta

Riya Guha Thakurta

Pune, Maharashtra

2 0
  • 0 Collaborators

We are hoping that this work will channelize the efforts towards a more efficient, user friendly home automation energy management system for future betterment. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
AI DevCloud / Xeon

Overview / Usage

In this project we have implemented Internet Of Things effectively for monitoring and regulating data obtained from a home automation setup with the smart grid by means of low cost sensing system.
The objective is to automate home applications with smart grid and effectively monitor and analyse its performance to allow the user to make educated choices for energy conservation.This Project operates on the base of connecting sensors and devices to the IoT.

Methodology / Approach

In this project objects have ability to transmit and receive data over a network without human-to-human or human to computer interaction.This enhances security and efficiency of ahome, which also gives real time monitoring via the internet apart from controlling the sensors and components to a device.Data streams coming from these devices will challenge the traditional approaches to data management in IOT and contribute to the
emerging paradigm of Big Data.

We can implement this project to optimize better results and to improve the technology for the less consumption of electricity. We achieve this by monitoring the data from the sensing devices and recording them according to usage.

We study and interpret the data using statistical data analysis to find usage patterns and relationship between measured parameters such as current voltage and power.

The correlation between power and voltage and that of power and current gives us a suitable estimate of consumption and allows the user to make choices and adjust his usage patterns to better serve his financial state.This allows for the smart home
automation system to not only ease living but also to make predictions that cater to the needs of the end user.
We are hoping that this project can advance the technology in the field of home automation and make existing systems smarter and more accurate and scalable in the near future.

Technologies Used

Current Sensor - TA12-200 (This module can measure AC moving through a wire at up to 5 A.)
Microprocessor -IEI TANK 870-Q170
Esp 8266 Wifi Module Node MCU
4 Channel Relay Module
5w battery

Data Processing:
Intel Dev Cloud

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