Smart Navigation Gloves

Shriram KV

Shriram KV

Bengaluru, Karnataka

A pair of gloves to help users to navigate smoothly without hassle. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

Mobile, Internet of Things

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

Frequent navigation checks on the roads while driving has become a major trouble for the common public these days. Riders feel inconvenient to constantly pick their phone up, from the pocket and check for their route and this could as well cause accidents. This could also lead someone not to follow rules. This problem can even be extended to the category of food/goods delivery and cab service persons. For an instance, let us consider that a food delivery person is sent to an unfamiliar place for delivery, then making frequent navigation checks causes discomfort to the driver and he may even run out of delivery time. In order to overcome this problem, we have designed a pair of gloves which are capable of navigating the riders through LED indications from the Gloves. This can greatly reduce the burden on the riders who constantly check for the route and ensure safety. This application can even be extended to visually challenged persons, with the help of these gloves visually challenged persons can effectively aid them on the pavements and can make their journeys safer. In future, we want to add NFC feature with food delivery person gloves for accepting payments as well. In short, this glove will help you reach the destination safely while letting other commuters also to be safe.

Methodology / Approach

  1. An android app to feed the source and destination.
  2. Once selected, it will be paired with Gloves.
  3. Once paired, the LEDs embedded on the gloves will start flickering to reveal the directions.
  4. All these happen in real time and there is also a separation alert enabled.

Technologies Used

  1. We made the APP for Android at this point. Android phone is mandatory.
    • App Name: Navigation Glove.apk to be installed in your phone.
    • Size of the APK – 25.12 MB (When reaching the market, with more expert inputs, can be made smaller)
    • Clear cache option provided to enable faster working.
    • App supports two modes – Walking and Driving.
    • Normal and Satellite view supported.
    • Separation alert supported
    • Source and destination cannot be the same. Testing done to our knowledge.
  2. The hardware components to be embedded in the glove.
    • A pair of gloves in which the hardware kit can be embedded (Stitched or pasted based on expert inputs)
    • Kit for Right Hand Glove – ATTINY85 Microcontroller, Bluetooth modules, LED, 9v Battery, Power Control Circuitry.
    • Kit for Left Hand Glove - ATTINY85 Microcontroller, Bluetooth modules, LED, 9v Battery, Power Control Circuitry.



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