Solar powered Real time water quality monitoring system

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Water quality measurement is the challenging task to find the parameters or the contaminants present in the water by using wireless sensor network (ZigBee) which is powered by a solar panel and also a battery is provided for backup. In rural areas, we are unsure about the quality of the water. So in order to determine the quality of water we have to find the different parameters of water such as pH, turbidity, conductivity, salinity, and temperature. The values of parameters are measured by sensors at sensor node station, which will transmit the data to the base station by using ZigBee. The measured data is displayed in the visual format as well as it can be analyzed using simulation tools for control strategy. ZigBee based technology with IEEE 802.15.4 compatible transceivers is proposed. A solar panel is used at the sensor node station for the purpose to save the electricity. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

Networking, Internet of Things

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

  1. Measurement of pH, Salinity, Conductivity, Temperature, and Turbidity of water using available sensors at the remote place.

  2. To avail local power supply to sensor nodes using solar energy.

  3. To collect data from various sensor nodes and send it to the base station by wireless communication.

  4. To control data communication between the source and sink nodes. (Synchronization using Time division)

  5. To simulate and analyze quality parameters for quality control.

  6. To publish the corresponding record over the web for public information and further assessment of resource.

Methodology / Approach

The structure of the water quality automatic monitoring system includes three parts, one is the waste water quality collection system, transmission using Zig-BEE module and the other is the monitoring center system. Water parameters collection and transmission system.the four sensors are deployed under water to monitor five parameters of water they are : -
(a)pH Sensor -
The high accuracy pH probe IH20 is used as a pH sensor which has output voltage from -412mV to 412 mV. The theoretical output of the IH20 pH probe is approximately 59.16 mV/pH at 25°C, i.e. for acid output voltage is positive, for neutral it is null and for the base it becomes negative with 59mV per unit pH starting from null. This output voltage is affected by environmental temperature thus it is required to compensate for the temperature factor. The necessary arrangement is done to compensate the temperature effect . Output of IH20 sensor is converted in to 02.5V range which is further given to 89S52 processor for processing.
(b)Oxygen Sensor-
Since ARM controller requires 0-3V voltage to decide logic level (0 or 1), it is required to use amplifier and conditioning circuit to increase the voltage and current level of output from Redox sensor. Redox probe generates a voltage proportional to the amount of free oxygen in the water in the range of 0V to 95V. This sensor is used to measure the density of oxygen in water. The main difficulty of measuring the voltage across these probes is that the output impedance of the probe is very high, so a high input impendence component is chosen to match it.
(c)Turbidity level Sensor-
Turbidity sensor is to measure the clarity of the water, the output voltage range represents turbidity value ranging from 0 to 4000NTU (Nephelometric turbidity unit) Output of circuit is 05V which is transferred to 0~3v compatible to ARM controller.
(d)Temperature Sensor-
It measures the temperature of water. For this PT100 is used. All sensors are powered by the solar panel; the solar panel is used in this system to supply power to the sensor node, together with an accumulator to recharge when solar power is not enough, such as night. An ARM processor LPC2138 is used to collect all the data from remote sensors, Process it, and then send it to the base station wirelessly through Zig-Bee Module TARANG F20.
(E)Conductivity sensor-
It measures the conductance of water. For this conductivity sensor model is used.


Data which transmitted from data acquisition system using transmitter Zig-Bee Module (source Node) is received by Zig-Bee Module (Sink Node) at the base station. It provides the received data to ARM Board connected to it. And through the ARM board, the received data is analyzed on PC. LCD on board used to verify correct and error-free data transmission from the earlier part of system. The base station contains a wireless receiver and a PC, where users can receive data from sensor nodes and analyze it. The base station can still connect to Ethernet so that users can log in and get data far-away. The nodes and base station are connected via WSN technology

Technologies Used

  1. All the components will work on the +5v power supply. (Expect LCD)

  2. The ARM7 controller used is Low power, high-speed CMOS FLASH/EEPROM technology. It is high-performance RISC CPU.

  3. A wireless technology like ZigBee works on standard IEEE 802.15.4 protocol & operates on unlicensed bands worldwide at the frequencies 2.400-2.484GHz, 902-928MHz and 868.0- 868.6MHz. Low cost, low power (3.3V), and up to 65000 nodes with an AES Encryption standard for communication are the main advantages of ZigBee.

  4. pH sensor will give the output from 0-14.(0-6: Acidic,7-Neutral,8-14: Alkalinity)

  5. Turbidity sensor uses an optical transistor and optical diodes; an optical washing machine sensor measures the amount of light coming from the source of the light to the light receiver, in order to calculate water turbidity.

  6. Redox sensors consist of a pair of wire-wound metal toroid’s over-molded with either corrosion resistant.

  7. Temperature sensor ptl00 will sense the temperature from 2-100 degree Celsius.

  8. Salinity sensor range is 0-50 ppt. Resolution is 0.l ppt.

  9. Conductivity sensors consist of a pair of wirewound metal toroid’s over-molded with either corrosion resistant. Minimum range is 5µS/cm maximum range is 500ms/cm


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