Student Attendance Marking Using Facial Recognition

Rex Mudanya

Rex Mudanya

Kakamega, Kakamega County

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  • 0 Collaborators

Apply facial recognition in university setting to mark student class attendance using ML. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Code Samples [1]Links [1]

Overview / Usage

ark student class attendance using facial recognition target is a university setting to save time in lecture halls and encourage student attendance of lectures .
Done creating the facial recognition model.
The general application (GUI and back-end) are in progress also working on extending it to a smartphone camera.

Methodology / Approach

Project to mark student class attendance using facial recognition (applies Machine Learning) implements Local binary patterns histograms (LBPH).
The project handles capturing facial data of students to create a dataset used to train a model using the LBPH (generates training data per face id) and also detect the faces in the classroom setting.
The algorithm then uses Euclidean Distances to match faces from a camera feed against those in the dataset.

Technologies Used

OpenCV 3.4.1


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