Kick starting TensorFlow With Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit(Beta) Powered by oneAPI

Ali Mustufa Shaikh

Ali Mustufa Shaikh

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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  • 0 Collaborators

Try your hands on Some amazing SOTA Models with Intel® one API in your browser without any installation; In this project, I am covering 3 Models from Intel Model Zoo and evaluating them powered by Intel® oneAPI platform! ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

oneAPI, Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
DevCloud, oneAPI, Intel Opt ML/DL Framework, MKL

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

Demonstrating Different Models of Intel Model Zoo using the Intel AI Analytics Toolkit on the DevCloud

  1. Inception V4
  2. ResNet50
  3. ResNet101

The process is very simple and you can get started without any installation's right into the browser.

Follow these steps:

  1. Request Access to the DevCloud ( )

  2. Goto Connection options (Connect in Menu) and select your preferred option (I selected Connect with JupyterLab->One-click Log In).

  3. Click on Launch Server (It will take 3 seconds to bootup)

  4. Select the type of Kernel and You are all set!

Methodology / Approach

I am just demonstrating a simple use case of Intel AI Analytics Toolkit on the DevCloud with Intel Model Zoo and TensorFlow. As I explore the platform will add more projects centered heavily on oneAPI usage with DevCloud.

Technologies Used

**Intel® oneAPI Toolkits(Beta) **

Intel® oneAPI products will deliver the tools needed to deploy applications and solutions across these architectures. Its set of complementary toolkits—a base kit and specialty add-ons—simplify programming and help developers improve efficiency and innovation. The core Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler and libraries implement the oneAPI industry specifications available at


TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries and community resources that lets researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and developers easily build and deploy ML powered applications.



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