TEOT (The End Of Tomorrow)
- 0 Collaborators
a FPS VR game ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Intel Technologies
Intel® NUC
Overview / Usage
TEOT is a 3D game made by Edsenses. It is a war game that human against the Robot, the human is evolving themselves and try to be as machine as possible which made themselves into cyborg. Their mission is to gain back their land and live humanly as possible while in progress of getting there.. We try to build vivid 3D environment and scenes for TEOT, design an interesting and exciting storyline and apply different and brand-new game rules so users will have different experience when playing TEOT.
Through TEOT, we created several heroes. Those heroes are all from ordinary persons but they all have brilliant characteristics that make them outstanding. Each has a touching story behind and owns certain talent and skills that help to complete the mission. It is a story full of imagination. It is a world in our mind and it is a world that is going to exist in our near future.
Methodology / Approach
Developed as a highly immersive world, with various missions for Oculus and HTC Vive using teleportation for locomotion.
Technologies Used
Steam VR
Windows PC