
田风 张

田风 张


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UpBall is a game of climbing up by controlling the speed of time Each death will not reset the level or let you start over If you are unskilled, then stop the time and think about what to do next The game is inspired by “SUPERHOT” ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Game Development

Games China

Overview / Usage

About operation:

The operation is very simple, just** press **or release :)

When you press the left mouse button, the speed of time will slow down, which means everything running in the game will slow down

You can use this time to avoid obstacles and plan the next direction of movement; time will return to normal when you release the button 

The ball will also move in the direction you are pointing 

About the level: 

Levels are theoretically combined randomly, and you can keep playing 

The difficulty also gradually increases, and the bullet speed will become faster and faster 

Methodology / Approach

  • Querying the corresponding interface in unity Scripting api
  • Browsing related technical explanations on youtube and blog
  • Downloading the corresponding demo to learn how others achieve effects such as particles and logic
  • Has the appropriate framework been utilized? The answer is no

Technologies Used

An animation plugin “DOTween Pro” in unity is used to control the movement of props

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